Top 6 Germy Hotspots and Cleaning Tips for Travelers

On the road or in the air, you’re bound to encounter plenty of mysterious messes while traveling. Here’s how to clean 6 high-touch hotspots, from tray tables and light switches to your own phone.

Discover more ways to clean.

Use as directed.

Avoiding illness starts with healthy habits

It should go without saying that regular hand washing, adequate sleep and proper hydration are keys to staying healthy, and that’s especially true when traveling. Now, let’s dig into our top 6 list.

#1 Deep seated dirt

If your car’s seats and floor mats are visibly dirty, first clean them per the manufacturer’s instructions. To sanitize, we recommend bleach-free Clorox® Disinfecting Mist. Just spray 6–8” from the fabric, leave visibly wet for 5 minutes and let air dry. Added bonus: it freshens the air.

#2 Hotel hotspots

If you’re in a hotel room or vacation rental, you’ll also want to disinfect devices and appliances like remote controls, telephones and coffee makers. Don’t forget your hotel key cards.

#3 The usual suspects

Don’t neglect all of those notorious high-touch areas we know and love. Give handrails, light switches, handles and doorknobs a thorough once-over with a Clorox® Disinfecting Wipe.

#4 Dial M for mess

Speaking of high-touch surfaces, the phone you take everywhere you go is a germ magnet. Be sure to give that touchscreen and phone case a good wipedown.

#5 Dashboard dirt

Whether you’re renting a car or driving your own, steering wheels and dashboard controls can put you on a collision course with icky germs. Keep a packet of disinfecting wipes in the car, and check out our car disinfection tips. You may want to give that gas pump a quick wipedown, too.


Clorox offers a selection of wipes to tackle any job. Find a wipe that’s right for you.

#6 Germs on board

Not surprisingly, tray tables and arm rests are high-touch hotspots, and potentially very germy. Oh, and don’t forget that overhead compartment. See how our friends at Alaska Airlines are fighting germs on your flights.