How to Use an HE Washer

How much do you really know about high-efficiency washers? Learn how to get the most out of HE washing machines, high-efficiency detergents, and HE bleach.
How to Use HE Washing Machines
Your washing machine is your trusted partner in laundry success, so you try to get to know it a little better.
High-Efficiency Washers
- Always use HE detergents with HE washers.
- Don’t overstuff your HE washer.
- Never mix dry laundry products with liquid laundry products.
- Bleach is the “mouthwash” for High Efficiency machines, removing build-up of bad odors that can collect weekly. Regularly washing white laundry with detergent and Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach once a week helps remove the first traces of scum accumulation while keeping whites their whitest.
Understanding the Laundry Drawer
- Your laundry drawer has a place for detergent, bleach and fabric softener. Put all three in before running the washing machine.
- For white loads, add ⅓ cup Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach to the dispenser or fill dispenser to maximum capacity.
- For brighter colors or white items with spandex, fill the cap of Clorox 2® for Colors Stain Remover and Laundry Additive product to line 1 and pour into the detergent dispenser along with your favorite liquid detergent.
What if there’s no dispenser?
- Use laundry pods or packs to add your favorite laundry products to the washer drum before you add the laundry.
- For white bleach-safe loads, use Clorox® Zero Splash Bleach Packs.
- For colors or white items with spandex, use Clorox 2® Free & Clear Stain Remover and Color Brightener Packs.