How to Get BBQ Sauce Out of Clothes

Accidentally get a barbecue stain on your white t-shirt? Follow these BBQ sauce stain removal tips to learn how to remove BBQ sauce from clothes and surfaces.

Discover more ways to clean.

Use as directed.


  1. Pre-Treat

    Pre-treat with Clorox 2® for Colors Stain Remover and Laundry Additive. Apply directly to tough stains. Rub in and set 5-10 minutes. Do not allow product to dry.

  2. Wash

    Wash in hot water with detergent and add ⅓ cup of Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach to whites or 1 capful of Clorox 2® for Colors to colors or whites with spandex.

  3. Check

    Make sure the stain is completely gone before drying. If not, repeat washing instructions.

  4. Dry

    When the stain is completely gone, place whites or colors in the machine dryer. Kiss the cook.


Rinsing the stain with cold water as soon as possible will help keep it from setting in.


  1. Remove

    Remove excess BBQ sauce.

  2. Wipe

    Wipe surface clean with Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes1. Don’t wear yourself out — you’ll probably be scrubbing the grill later.

  3. Rinse

    Rinse surface. Hopefully the meal was as good as the cleanup!