How to Get Marshmallow Out of Clothes

Roasting marshmallows is fun but messy. Learn how to remove marshmallows from clothes and fabric including how to clean melted marshmallow off clothes.
What is the best way to remove marshmallow from clothing?
S’mores are a summer campfire staple, but they sure can be a sticky mess! Fortunately marshmallows are mostly sugar, water, and gelatin, and dissolve rather easily in water.
You can pretreat these stains with a little Clorox 2® for Colors Stain Remover and Laundry Additive prior to machine washing for an extra cleaning boost. Just apply a little Clorox 2® product directly to the stains and gently rub it in. Wait 10 minutes (set a timer to keep track of the time) and then machine wash the item in the hottest water recommended on the care label using detergent and a little more Clorox 2® for Colors Stain Remover and Laundry Additive.
Air dry the item and check for success–it’s always a good idea to keep a stained item you are working on out of a hot dryer until you know the stain is all the way out so you can repeat a treatment if necessary to get a stain all the way out.