Composting 101.

Composting provides nutrients and building blocks for soil in gardens and farms, and keeps waste out of landfills. In short, it’s a good thing.

two people planting

Municipal composting.

Municipal composting facilities collect and compost waste from cities and towns across the country. If you have access to a compost bin via curbside collection, your waste is most likely going to a municipal composting facility. Check locally, as appropriate facilities may not exist in your area.

piles of composting soil with forest in the background

Here's how our composting wipes work.

illustration of hand using a composting wipe

Step 1

Wipe up your compostable mess. There, that’s better.

illustration of hand throwing away a wipe

Step 2

Place your compostable wipes in the compost bin.

green composting truck

Step 3

Your compostable wipes take a trip to the municipal facility if available in your area.

illustration of piles of dirt

Step 4

It’s placed in large piles with other organic materials.

ilustración de calendario sobre un fondo de tierra

Step 5

Over a 45- to 90-day period, your compostable wipes will break down into CO2 and biomass.

illustration of shaking hands

Step 6

After breaking down, the compost is sold or donated.

Home composting.

Composting at home is a great way to reduce your environmental impact.

Home composting basics.

rake with leaves and dust

Good aeration is key.

Make sure to line the compost bin with wood chips, saw dust or other brown materials (details below about that).


Keep things toasty.

Bacteria and fungi release heat. 120 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temp for happy compost.

muddy compost

Make it moist.

Keep compost moist to help with the breakdown. To learn how to “squeeze” your compost, check out the EPA website.

leaves, apple, paper

Balance your mix.

Use a mixture of 75% browns (like our compostable wipes) and 25% greens to achieve a good carbon to nitrogen ratio.

leaves, watermelon, banana

Wait, what are greens?

Greens are items like coffee grounds, fruits and vegetables, grass cuttings, etc.

leaves and sticks

And uh, browns?

Browns are items like wood chips, dry leaves, sawdust, our compostable wipes, etc.

Environmental sustainability: The Clorox Company

Compostable wipes are just a part of the efforts that The Clorox Company is taking to reduce our impact on the planet.

Learn more about efforts here