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Cómo quitar manchas de protector solar de la ropa y telas oscuras

Es fácil manchar la ropa con la grasa del protector solar. Aprende a quitar estas manchas de la ropa negra y de otras telas oscuras.

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How can I remove a sunscreen stain from red and navy cotton t-shirts that remained after washing?


During summer, this is a very common stain! I suspect the oily part of the sunblock formula is what remains on your shirts, and you should be able to get this out as long as the shirts have been kept out of the dryer. Try applying a little liquid dishwashing detergent directly to the stains, and gently rub it in. Wait 5 – 10 minutes (but don’t let it dry on the fabric!) and then rinse the dish detergent away (it will cause oversudsing in a clothes washer).

Wash the shirts in hot water and a good detergent and Clorox 2® For Colors Stain Remover and Laundry Additive. Air dry the shirts and check for success—this is important to not heat-set stubborn oily stains that would come out all the way with an additional treatment. Also, air drying will help preserve the color of your dark t-shirts.

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